Maybe I missed something, but it doesn’t seem like people talk about this enough. Leading up to having a baby, the focus is on the development of the baby in the womb, what not to eat/drink, and a little bit about what to expect once the baby is born. Rarely do people talk about the identity crisis that is yet to happen…
The irony is almost humorous… 2020 has been jolting to say the least. It was not a year of perfect vision. It was a year of chaos and division.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?
Working with a coach can be super helpful when it comes to learning about yourself, figuring out what you really want in life, and setting up a plan to get it. It can also sometimes feel like paying someone to be that annoying kid who keeps asking, “But why? Why?”
For the last year or so, I struggled with intense anxiety. Whether it was about my business, making money, getting pregnant, having enough friends, or thinking about others judging me, it was daily. Several people had suggested I create a “morning routine”, and truthfully, I rolled my eyes in the beginning.
Yes, times are crazy. Yes, food is flying off the shelves. Yes, there are still lots of unknowns. But what else? There's community. We are reinventing how we socialize. There's lots of learning happening, especially of self. There's also cooking, self-care, and organizing. We're finding time to do all of the adult things we've been making excuses for.
Throughout this Corona chaos, I’ve heard a lot about “staying productive” and “figuring out how to still get work done.” While the momentum can’t necessarily come to a full stop, I think we’re sensing something else here…
Dude… February sucked. My insecurity and anxiety were at an all-time high, my energy was at an all-time low, and the mental blocks were real. It wasn’t until this week in a sweaty spin class that I think I realized why.
Read more about my thoughts on work-life balance in this piece I was featured in via Quilt.
I was in my favorite boxing class recently and the teacher asked everyone to make some noise. It was a sad “woohoo”. A few minutes later, she asked everyone to make noise for somebody else in the room, and the room erupted. The energy was palpable. It made me wonder… Why is it so easy for us to cheer for others, and so challenging for us to cheer for ourselves?
Are you feeling stuck in a job that doesn't bring you a sense of fulfillment? Or are you unemployed and unsure of what to apply for? Are you aware that you need a new job, but not quite sure what it is or how to get there?
Have you ever been in a room where you all of a sudden notice a sound, like a ticking clock, and as soon as you notice it, it seems like the loudest thing ever and you can’t imagine a time where you didn’t notice it?
Looking for a career change in 2020? Here are some helpful resume tips from my friend and experienced recruiter, Danielle Tucker!
You know that feeling when a random thought comes into your head, which leads to another random idea or memory, and the next thing you know, you've spiraled and have reached the most ridiculous destination and are wondering to yourself, “how the hell did I get here?”
We’ve heard this saying and possibly woken up to it many times, but have you ever thought about how much power there is behind it?
Can we call BS on this morning routine? I am absolutely guilty of having this conversation multiple times a day in an office environment, but what is it telling us about the people we’re interacting with?